From The Point-To-Point Authority

Press Release: February 2019 – FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION

Point-to-pointing set to resume on Saturday 16 FebruaryPoint to Pointing will go ahead this weekend according to present BHA requirements.

However, due to the extra requirements and conditions, individual fixtures will make a decision on whether to run. We hope to finalise those details by tomorrow morning (Wednesday).

The New BHA Requirements are:

  • Vaccination: BHA has ordered that no entries or declarations will be accepted from horses that have not been vaccinated in the previous six months. This requirement will be in place until further notice. Please note that the normal stipulation that the vaccination must not have been given on the day of racing or any of the six days prior to the day of the race as according to Regulation 36 (ii), still applies.
  • Declaration of Health: BHA has ordered that on arrival at the racecourse, the responsible person (To be confirmed but probably Owner, Keeper or Authorised to Act) must provide the following for all equines on board before the ramp can be lowered:
    • The horse’s passport with proof of vaccination and date
    • Confirmation that they have taken the horse’s temperature that morning and provision of that temperature
    • A Health Declaration form to be signed there and then in front of members of Fixture (The Form will be made available to all participants)
    • This above procedure is the Owner’s responsibility. He does not require a vet to carry out the health checks before making the Declaration. The Fixture must have a foolproof system in place to ensure that this is enforced rigorously. NB it is recognised that all courses are slightly different in layout and will take different approaches accordingly. This will apply to all equines including companion ponies, pony racing and horse catchers, and any other activity programmed. Fixtures running events/races which are not under BHA auspices (Charity races etc) must still comply with the above. Penalties for failure to comply are currently under discussion, although Regulation 38 already lays down the fines for failure to provide accurate Vaccination requirements. There will be further provisions and clarifications as the week goes on, but it is vital that all comply with the above if we are to continue pointing. Vigilance and Responsibility must be everyone’s watchword. This will be an ongoing requirement for the foreseeable future. The Health Declaration Form can be downloaded here The latest update from the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) can be found here ***Ends*** For more information contact: Peter Wright, CEO, Point-to-Point Authority (PPA) 01793 781990
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